From: Neil Foster <>
Date: 11/07/2017 00:04:05 UTC
Subject: Victorian law reversing onus in negligence actions based on organisational child abuse

Dear Colleagues;

I thought it may be of general interest to mention, for those who haven’t seen it previously, that on 1 July 2017 new legislation in the State of Victoria commenced dealing with liability for organizational child abuse. The amending Bill is here and the amended Wrongs Act 1958, now containing Part XIII, can be seen here . The legislation broadly originates in some recommendations of a Victorian inquiry into organisational child sexual abuse.

In general terms, the legislation “imposes a duty of care that forms part of a cause of action in negligence” (s 91), a duty specified as “to take care that in the circumstances of the case is reasonable to prevent the abuse of a child by an individual associated with the relevant organisation while the child is under the care, supervision or authority of the relevant organisation” (s 91(2)). It then goes further by providing that where abuse by an associated person has been proven, then there is a “reversal of onus” at the breach stage, so that the organisation will be deemed to be in breach “unless the relevant organisation proves on the balance of probabilities that it took reasonable precautions to prevent the abuse in question”- s 91(3).

Some brief comments:

Many will also be aware that there is a wider Royal Commission inquiry into these matters currently underway in Australia, and it will be interesting to see how its final recommendations cohere with this Victorian change.








Associate Professor

Newcastle Law School

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